Firstly, a couple of concerns:
If these are the answers you need help with, you should consider applying for something you do have the answers for.
It is important for you to be honest in your application, and if you feel that you have the skills to do this job, go for it!
Independent planning and organizing of work flow refers to the way you approach your direct environment at work. You always have your workspace and paperwork sorted and know whats important / priority and what is not.
Customer service environment - if you state that you always treat customers the way you want to be treated when you go somewhere, you'll have that one in the bag!
Attention to detail - well, do you? Attention to detail imply that you always take note of even the most insignificant part of your functions, cause if you let go on the little things, it will build up to a point where you cannot handle any of your tasks.
Team environment - once again, if you are a team player, state it in your answer by saying : "Yes, I enjoy contributing to a team and will gladly assist my colleagues to further the common goal".
Good luck!