I've done this for several companies. If possible, read some of the minutes from previous minutes. You'll have something to use as an example. If not, include the following info:
Meeting Name:
If there is an agenda, great .. then you have your topics, If there isn't an agenda, you might ask if what topics will be discussed ahead of time.
Then use the following format:
1. Topic one- If they don't care about the he said she said. Then summerize each topic. If there are any items that are assigned to people, the create an ACTION ITEM under that topic.
ACTION ITEM: John will call Joe to discuss details and report back at next meeting.
Outcome of Topic discussed:
2. Topic two.
Ideally, the last topic item would be:
3. Create agenda for next meeting - the first item for the agenda would be to approve the minutes from the previous meeting.
Sample Agenda:
1. Approve minutes from last meeting
2. Review Action Items from last meeting
3. New topic
4. New topic
5. Open - this area would be for other items that need discussing but are not one the agenda.
The other thing that should be done with the agenda, an allotted amount of time should be set for each topic. This will allow the attendees to know how much time they need to set aside for the meeting and
As time goes, you can set up a template for the meeting becuase you will know what will be discussed.
Normally, you would type up the minutes and the next agenda and provide each attendee with a copy.