Hello, I have these 2 women (temps who will got permanent in a month) I work with that are nothing but trouble! They go to the boss and make false accusations and feed the boss all the office gossip. Needless to say the bosses love them. They do everything together b/c they are afraid to be confronted by someone in the office ( very few people like them) they go to the bathroom together, the copier, save seats at mtgs, and if I am in the hall they will wait till I am gone to walk out. The same goes for the parking lot…its just crazy I have never seen such crazy behavior! I have had limited contact with them and don’t really work on a close level with in the office yet they are always looking to say something!!! I see them and I seriously can feel my blood boil. I was revenge, I want them out, I want to fight back!!! Help! Any suggestions are needed! Have you dealt with this before?